But when it comes to storyboards, I can resize an element or drag it to another spot without weird glitches such as the element flying off the screen and getting deleted. When it comes to scripts, I have no issues. I don’t actually believe that Apple even tested Xcode out using their trackpads because everything regarding storyboards is completely broken. However, this version of Xcode has completely ruined user interaction. Xcode in itself doesn’t change much year to year so on that end, everything is fine. Some features may require Internet access. To submit your apps to the App Store you must be a member of the Apple Developer Program.
To test or run applications on an iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, or Apple Watch all you need is a free Apple ID.
Professional editor and debugger keep your code front and center

SwiftUI code is always in perfect sync with the graphical design canvas and previews.Preview SwiftUI code or UIKit interfaces in different screen sizes, orientations, and font sizes.Design canvas graphically builds UI views using the library of controls and modifyers.SwiftUI uses declarative Swift code that clearly describes your interface.SwiftUI and Interface Builder make it easy to design your interface Source control navigator and service integrations help you manage code across a team.Live issues display errors as you type, and Fix-its improve your code with just a click.Split editors in virtually unlimited ways, show previews, or choose an assistant to see related content.View debugging shows a 3D stack of all your app's UI view layers at runtime.Playgrounds are a fun way to experiment and interact with Swift code.SwiftUI is a revolutionary framework to create user interfaces with a declarative Swift syntax.Swift is an intuitive programming language that is safe, fast, and modern.Innovative tools help you create great apps Xcode includes the Xcode IDE, Swift and C/C++/Objective-C compilers, Instruments analysis tool, simulators, the latest SDKs, and hundreds of powerful features: The Xcode IDE combined with the Swift programming language make developing apps easy and fun. Xcode provides developers a unified workflow for user interface design, coding, testing, and debugging. What does Xcode do? Xcode includes everything developers need to create great applications for Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, and Apple Watch.